Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Day at Huntington Gardens - writing on tags

Stephanie and I wrote names on gift tags for the Huntington Gardens member-only shopping day. Next time, I'll bring some trays to keep my table a little neater!

Stephanie wrote traditional copperplate and I used a contemporary version, alternating between black brush on light background and pointed pen with Fine Tec metallic on darker backgrounds. We had a great time.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Garden Debris . . .

It's already time for me to be mailing my next ATC design (which I need to start!) and I realized that I never posted this last version.
   This is based on a little piece from a succulent plant, that I found laying on the ground at the Mabel Luhan Dodge Lodge in Taos (wonderful retreat with Sharon Zeugin last April).

Monday, September 5, 2016

Most Recent Business Card

Since my old business card had a casual copperplate from five years ago, I created this updated version, retaining my favorite watercolored pears. I gave this card a less-common shape.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Sunday, October 9 Class - Art Lounge on 101, Encinitas

Check out the Art Lounge on 101 - lots of great classes:
 I'm happy to be part of their lineup for  October.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Brush Lettered Postcard

I've been teaching brush lettering, lately--a change of pace from the copperplate and italic that I teach for UC Riverside extension. So, when it came time to design my July ATCs, of course, I lettered with a brush pen. Then, I followed up with the complementary postcard, pictured here--a great way to keep in touch with friends.

The drawing is also done with a brush--a brown Tombo. The plants were sketched at the San Diego Botanic Garden, formerly Quail Gardens, in Encinitas.

I've been asked to teach an intro to brush session, scheduled for Oct 9 in Encinitas--more info to follow.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Practicing brush lettering

Practicing my brush lettering. It's not perfect, but I think she'll enjoy receiving this. I'm teaching this in Chino Hills. Twelve enthusiastic students last week for the small letters. This week--the capitals--we have a great time!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

  Next Saturday, we offer another free program at the Riverside Main Library--see flier below.

This class will be in preparation for our August 27 program, a Letter Writers Social, inspired by the folks at LWA (Letter Writers Alliance). We'll create and post that flier soon.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Garden Project

 Last fall, continuing into this year, we replaced the plantings near the house with natives and drought-tolerant varieties. After visiting my friend, Christina Schneck and her garden in Piedmont, I ordered stakes from Christina's garden designer, Barbara Siegel. Christina had lettered hers with Romans, I chose uncials.  Unfortunately, since we removed the lawn, the rabbits and squirrels have been nibbling the yarrow and fern-leafed lavendar to nubs. Today, pavers are being delivered for the walkway around these plantings and I talked Dennis into allowing me plant grass between them, rather than mortar. Hopefully, that will distract the rodents. One more thing to water, but I do use gray water.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Draft for Versal, inspired by AdolphBernd

Just back from SfC's annual retreat in Montecito.

I spent most of my time doing homework for the web design class I'm taking, but decided to take a break and draft a versal.

I've attached a snapshot. This is strictly a draft and I want to redo, but it will suffice for the collaborative project in which several SfC members are involved. We're all contributing a letter, or two, for a book in John Rafter's calligraphy class.

Now, on to studying for my web design final exam.

Friday, May 27, 2016

May Artist Trading Card

A line drawing in my sketchbook journal--crocuses seen  in April at Mabel Luhan Dodge, in Taos. Local color was added as swipes over the drawing. The Hybrid Technica gel pen was water resistant, but not waterproof.

Calligraphy added for the ATC exchange.

Friday, April 22, 2016

March Artist Trading Card: Crocus Sketch

Sketched a bouquet of white crocuses from the cover of a magazine--reminded me of spring in Holland. Added framing and a wash. I'm having fun with Spencerian handwriting.

January Artist Trading Card: Napkin background

Collage created in a workshop with Veronica Phillips.  Sketch was first drawn while my car was being serviced--I went for a walk and picked up a fallen leaf, then sat and drew a contour. For this project I re-created the sketch on bleedable tissue and glued it over the collage.

Sunday, January 3, 2016